What We Believe

Here at Calvary Chapel of Kensington we are Christians. That simply means we follow Jesus and His Word, the Bible. We’re not a denomination. We’ve got nothing against denominations, but we’d rather be associated with all those who love Jesus and hold to the essentials of Biblical faith:

  • The Bible is the Word of God. Period.

  • No one created God and God created everything.

  • God is a Trinity. There’s one God consisting of three distinct persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We don’t fully understand that, but it’s what the Bible says.

  • Like it or not, everyone is a sinner. We inherited sin from the first people, Adam and Eve, who rebelled against God. The result of sin is physical death and eternal separation from God (that is, Hell).

  • There’s a solution for sin! Jesus, the Son of God, stepped out of eternity; was born of the virgin Mary; and lived the perfect, sinless life that we could not. He died on the cross to suffer the punishment for sin in our place. He was buried and then rose from the dead. If we believe in who Jesus is and what He has done, all our sins are forgiven and we are promised an eternity in Heaven with God!

  • Love is why Jesus died for us. Our highest desire is to return that love to Him and share it with others.

Since we serve in an at-risk urban community we are faced with people needing guidance on a variety of pressing social issues. All counsel that the Rock provides is Biblically based. The Rock will never give counsel that contradicts the written Word of God.
